Moralless Revolution
Impact of the 20th century philosophical movement cannot be over-stated. It brought us John Stuart Mill of Britain. Karl Marx, Frederick Nietzsche, Friedrich Engels influenced the powerhouse of German philosophers, which motivated both Communist Russia and Nazi Germany political movements. Judaism and Christianity, once valuing absolutes in doctrine, succumbed to the German attack on ideals. Truth was an illusion. It had never existed. God had never existed. And now, the idea of God was dead.
For Nietzsche, truth was only relevant to one’s perspective, giving way to modern moral relativism. He sought to “undermine not just religious faith or philosophical moral theory, but also many central aspects of ordinary moral consciousness, some of which are difficult to imagine doing without (e.g., altruistic concern, guilt for wrongdoing, moral responsibility, the value of compassion, the demand for equal consideration of persons, and so on)”.[1] All that is harmful exists in the past. Past social structures. Past authority. Past religious beliefs. Past ideas of economy. Past traditional values. Simply, the past. Since God was created in the past by man, he was dead.[2] God-given Judeo-Christian values had to be justified without any sacred text. When humanity itself failed to vindicate, morality was condemned. And, with it, the collective unity of the West fractured.
Marx and Nietzsche appealed to those who despised rational limits of behavior or power. For Marx, the government of have-nots could provide moral clarity. For Nietzsche, individual perspective of the have-nots was the best moral guide. Both German movements considered morality not only baseless, but harmful. Morality teaches that some actions are evil. Morality teaches guilt. Morality impedes a genuine self-understanding. Morality hurts man’s psychological well-being.
This German philosophy despised moral laws governing social order, preferring a strong majority to dominate. These ideas provoked the two most violent revolutions in the world, during both WWI and WWII. While 19th century philosophers have died, their ideas live on.
This German philosophy was picked up in the 20th century by Sigmund Freud, Noam Chomsky, and Saul Alinsky. But, philosophy is not what it once was. Freed from the trappings of truth or morality, philosophy now uses tactics to allure the masses. Appealing to universally ethical and beneficial concepts, modern atheist philosophers disguise their ideas, using terms that are the anti-thesis of their traditional values.
Feminism. Originally, the term denoted equal rights for women. Universal equity and justice were its core. Today, it is used to discriminate against males. Similar to modern mis-use of tolerance, it seeks to silence traditional values. Modern feminism only seeks rights or justice for the West. It is silent where abuse and oppression are rampant in Iran, if it cannot be leveraged in American political discourse, or if it demonstrates that an opposing organization is actually concerned with equality for women and minorities.
Black Lives Matter—of course they do! However, the name is used as a disguise to diminish the stability and liberty enjoyed by a collective and universal society. Like Black Panthers, the group prefers violence and intimidation to force its power on society.[3]
Antifa—According to CNN,[4] it is not a group, but a political ideology (like Marxism). The movement’s platform is “anti-fascism.” This Red Herring diverts from the group’s intentions. Actions speak louder that claims. The group repeatedly organizes. It repeatedly uses violence, intimidation, and the destruction of private and public property to force chaos on groups that respect law and order. The goal? The peace-loving opposition will avoid confrontation.
White Supremacist—Historically, the term denoted the belief in the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon, Aryan race. The movement in the 1880-1960s perpetrated horrific violence and discrimination on other races and cultures. Today, the term has been appropriated and misapplied to apply to anyone who disagrees with the Left’s historical German philosophy on God being dead, moral values, or the past.
Planned Parenthood. Planning for the future is wise. Planning a family ensures that all members’ needs are met under the best possible conditions. The term denotes a good idea. It’s application, however, is not only perverted, but unconscionable since the majority (94%) of the organizations services are used to kill unborn children.[5] Without a divinely defined morality, human morals lead to self-suicide of its own race, as it is incapable of distinguishing right from wrong or life from death. All morality is relative to what the individual wants it to be. If you hold to traditional values of the past, you are part of the problem that infects society with the guilt of by-gone days.
Tolerance. The term has become its anti-thesis. Groups who use this term, tolerate all that is not traditional. All that is revolutionary. All that is chaos and challenges authority. It cries foul, seeking to silence all who believe in values of generations past. All that believe God is not dead. All that believe humanity needs the enlightenment of divine morality.
Christianity and Judaism have succumbed to German relativism. During the Dark Ages, mankind attached philosophies to Scripture that did not exist. Invented by the imaginations of men (Gen 6:5; Deut 29:19; Prov 6:18; Isa 29:13 Jer 3:17; 7:24; 11:8), past errors of doctrine (racism, human rights, women’s rights, persecution, etc.) were accepted by Judeo-Christian institutions. Then, a miraculous, empowering, and enlightening invention was born. This technology began to free humanity from constructs of abusive social power. The printing press enabled humanity to search and find God for himself. No longer was the Bible exclusive property of the ruling class. Access to a written text led to a more enlightened understanding of God. Many realized man-made theologies contradicted what was written and repented. This process continues to our modern day.
Past errors, however, leave their mark. They give rise to the notion that although God is not dead, humanity is incapable of knowing truth. Religious ideals have been wrong in the past, so we continue to question whether truth is searchable and knowable. Perhaps Nietzsche was right. Perhaps truth is only relative to each of us. Is God is a product of differing relationships with him? Apprehension, stains of past errors, humility lead many to doubt that biblical truths or morals exist (or that they can be verified existentially). For this, we apologize. We waiver. We cower. We defer to those who are assured that god is dead and morality a myth of generations past. We have succumbed to German relativism.
The time has come, for us to cut the binding ties of nihilism. No longer can we be the silent, pacifist, and defer to the hopeless. No longer can we stand by while subversive tactics lead our children down political and theological paths, which history has proven destructive. No longer can we sit by while the German-like educators of our day instill the hopelessness of justice and truth in our children through our public institutions. To reclaim our God-given responsibility, we must begin in our own homes, with our own families. Teach your children. Train them on a daily basis.
Talk about ideas, concepts, and real-world application of them. Training implies a daily commitment. Developing relationships that can weather storms. Ground children in facts. Instill the skills of logic so they can easily recognize ideas of the insane, unmasking their gentle disguise. Each of us has been called to be a light. Let that light begin in your own home. Your own family. And your own church or synagogue. And, let it begin today.
Nietzsche’s and Alinsky’s philosophies are recapped below. Both philosophers have been revered by the Clintons and Obama. In fact, Hillary was quite close to Alinsky.[6] The following points outline how these philosophers are influencing traditional American society, leading us away from traditional Judeo-Christian American values.
Frederick Nietzsche[7]
1. How the philosophy of Frederick Nietzsche floods most universities and trickles down to the elementary grades.
2. Specifically, how he preferred perspectivism (modern relativism) in favor of truth.
3. Denounced Christian morality
4. He coined the idea “God is dead” (made popular by the Kevin Sorbo movie), meaning God can no longer provide values.
5. His legacy is nihilism: that life is without purpose or meaning.
6. Younger generations still seek meaning in life, but without any roadmap or religious values.
Saul Alinsky
1. Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, which was Clinton’s and Obama’s play book.
2. Used terms such as “revelation” as working alongside “revolution.” His “Rules for Radicals” claims to teach the science of revolution.
3. Saw the Christian Lucifer as an ideal revolutionary hero
4. Dismissed traditional values
5. He changed Biblical truth to his own words and his own perspective, attributed it to the Bible. Then criticized it and denounced it. Logisticians term it, “straw man fallacy.” He quotes Job 7:1 as saying, “The life of man upon the earth is a warfare.”[8] Warfare is not implied anywhere in the text and no translation uses it. Both the Hebrew and English translations recognize that “the life of man upon the earth is as a laborer” or hireling. This fits in with the German perspective that words and truth do not matter. They can be created by the individual’s perspective. Thus, Alinsky can manipulate the Bible to justify revolutionary war. The same tactic is done with history in public schools today, as America’s founding fathers are denigrated and their wisdom detested.
6. His “Rules for Radicals” was written for the ‘Have-nots’ that want to take political power away from those who have it.
7. He taught how to create massive organizations that can seize power. Black lives matter, Planned Parenthood, Antifa, Black Panthers, Unions – all arise from this philosophy.
The modern sexual revolution arises from both Nietzsche and Alinsky philosophy. They use the disguise of “equal rights” and “human rights” to legitimize perversion. They deflect and distract from what medical science shows is healthy and they use cover terms, propaganda, to push an agenda. By fracturing the unity of American morality, it strengthens their power and gives them access to more victims.
1. Taught doctrine and dogma (in religion or politics) was the enemy of freedom. It should be apprehended at every opportunity.
2. People who have a firm idea of what is right and wrong are dark inside. They inflict cruelty on the world.
3. Always challenge the Law and social order. Radicals must control the flow of events
4. org is based on Alinsky’s call for change.
5. Re-write the narrative to fit your own agenda. Do not allow other historical events or movements to detract from the change you seek.
6. No truth exists, rewrite it to fit your own agenda.
Post-German Effects on society:
1. Generations Y and Z do not believe there are any empirical truths
2. Life is meaningless (nihilism), seek to change it.
3. Live for the ‘now.’
4. Humanity defines its own morality. There are no universals. Nothing empirical.
5. The governing establishment is always wrong and always corrupt.
6. Socialism is the means to fix society’s woes.
7. One-third of Americans think “substantially less” than 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, according to a new survey that highlights a worrying lack of basic knowledge about the World War II-era genocide.
8. The survey shows that 70 percent of Americans believe people care less about the Holocaust than they used to. A majority, 58 percent, said they believe something like the Holocaust could happen again. 31 percent of the Americans surveyed, and 41 percent of millennials within that group, do not believe that 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust and think the real death toll is at least 2 million lower.[9]
Read books to your kids. Talk with your kids. Train up your child in the way he should go, so he or she will not depart from it. Ground your children in hard facts. Ground children in logic. Be consistent. Establish a schedule to read and discuss.
In politics, lobby for legislation that protects the individual from intimidation and violence. Hold your legislator responsible for representing you. How? Make phone calls. Be a squeaky wheel. Support organizations that fight for your religious liberty (Christian Alliance, Heritage Foundation, Alliance Defending Freedom, American Center for Law and Justice, Liberty Counsel, are but a few). Financially support these organizations and share their benefit with others. Those who detest traditional values are organizing as one well-working machine. To counter it, we must work together across religious sects, finding the values and morals, and love of God that restores peace and unity.
Resources for kids:
Traditional American Social values – The Tuttle Twins series by Connor Boyack: https://tuttletwins.com
Rush Revere by Rush Limbaugh
What would George do? – Nan Marshall
The Fallacy Detective by Bluedorn
Notgrass history uses primary sources in teaching history. https://history.notgrass.com/
Find and read primary historical sources for historical documents, most are available on the web.
See also, history books at CBD.com
Web resources:
Prager University: PragerU.com
These 5-8-minute videos are a quick and entertaining way to introduce and discuss issues with your children.
Ben Shapiro for older teens – www.dailywire.com. Shaprio is both logical and entertaining. He speaks on college campuses,
defending traditional Judeo-Christian morality.
For parents:
Saving Leonardo: A call to resist the secular assault on mind, morals, and meaning by Nancy Pearcey
[1] https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/nietzsche/#CritReliMora. All sites cited in this article accessed 7/9/18.
[2] The recent Kevin Sorbo films, “God’s Not Dead,” challenges Nietzsche philosophy.
[3] https://www.activistpost.com/2017/02/new-wave-violent-protests-exactly-elite-want-heres.html
[4] https://www.cnn.com/2017/08/16/us/glossary-of-political-rhetoric-terms/index.html
[5] CNN and other outlets claim that abortions only account for 3% of PP’s business. The National Review provides evidence for how these figures are manipulated. https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/01/planned-parenthoods-annual-report-disproves-its-own-lies/
[6] https://www.yahoo.com/news/hillary-clinton-saul-alinsky-letters-155526953.html
[7] For further interest, see https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/nietzsche/#CritReliMora; https://www.iep.utm.edu/nietzsch/
[8] Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals (Vintage Books: New York, 1971) 4.
[9] http://www.newsweek.com/one-third-americans-dont-believe-6-million-jews-were-murdered-during-holocaust-883513