Germany’s Karma
My mother would say, “what comes around, goes around.” In the South it’s “getting yours.” In the North, it’s “getting your just desserts.” Tech geeks tells us, “input equals output.” For story tellers, it is “poetic justice,” while the Bible terms it “reaping what you sow,” recognizing that God’s judgments follow this natural law of cause and effect. I call it Karma.
Karma is a fate that is difficult to escape. Historically, Germany has a dismal record on human rights. During WWI, the nation began a war of aggression to expand its borders. This deadly war ended many vibrant lives. The German people did nothing to stop this movement and realistically, there was probably little that could have been done. Karma came in the form of post-war reparations.
Karma was temporarily cheated when a new political faction came on the scene for Germans promising prosperity and liberation from the natural consequences of WWI. Nazis comprised only 6% of the vote in 1924, 18% in 1932, and 33% in November of 1932, but once they had their foot in the door, party members began propaganda, intimidation, and controlling voting stations. This minority party rose to lead the entire nation to one of the most abusive, oppressive, and horrifying regimes the world has seen: 6,000,000 Jews, 300,000 Gypsies, 100,000 Poles and Slavs, 30,000 political dissidents, 300,000 disabled persons, and countless others that represented a “parallel society” or “parallel values” to what Nazi Germany deemed acceptable. Karma almost seemed blind to this loss of human life.
In 1922, the Nazis established their own recruiting ground within a benign and patriotic organization, the Jugendbund. Children were the state’s primary commodity, being indoctrinated with the atheist and Nazi doctrine from grade school into the trenches. This convenient constituency helped the Nazi party overcome its dismal 6% showing in 1924 elections to 44% in 1933 as many youths came to majority voting age. At the beginning of the war, these youth totaled almost 9 million. Hitler’s investment in young human capital was not misplaced. Under Hitler, German youths were recruited and drafted by the state.
“These boys and girls enter our organizations [at] ten years of age, and often for the first time get a little fresh air;after four years of the Young Folk they go on to the Hitler Youth,
where we have them for another four years . . . And even if they are still not complete National Socialists, they go to Labor Service and are smoothed out there for another six, seven months . . .
And whatever class consciousness or social status might still be left . . . the Wehrmacht [German armed forces] will take care of that.”
—Adolf Hitler (1938)
We often ignore the fact that Hitler’s ultimate struggle was to eliminate social class, race, God, dissent, or any other “parallel society.” We may be tempted to see Germany in 2016 far different than the Nazi state. Hitler’s surviving youth have now matured into the policy makers of Germany’s post-war modern nation. But its policies on children and ideas of “parallel societies” remain eerily unchanged.
Germany’s modern brand of democracy does not allow for values and beliefs that do not abide by state-sanctioned values. Especially telling is Germany’s stance on family rights, particularly that of homeschoolers. In a 2003, the German Federal Constitutional Court (Konrad, 2003) ruled, “The state has an equal interest in the education of children.” The state’s interest in educating and indoctrinating youths, like Hitler’s Jugend, is deemed to take precedence over the parents’ right to educate their own children. It would appear Hitler’s youth is reborn in the modern state that still believe it superior to parents in educating and developing a meaningful conscience within German society. This has led to the arrest and separation of families throughout Germany that teach traditional Judeo-Christian values. These families often reject Germany’s social democracy in favor of more open democracies like America, which allow for traditional values. The very definition of democracy is the tolerance of dissent among its own citizenry, which socialist Germany-similar to its WW2 predecessor rejected. Like a page out of an over-worn history book, modern Germany has heard the cries of children being ripped from the loving embrace of their family to a state-sponsored family as the German government imposes the mandate for indoctrination at state-run schools in the effort to silence parallel thought, parallel values, parallel dissent, and parallel societies.
If karma, like justice were truly blind, it would be difficult to deny the fact that Germany- as a nation and a society- bears enormous guilt. Germany bears responsibility for the lives that were lost due to Germany’s aggression in WWI. Lives that were lost due to Germany’s aggression and social policies in WWII. And, more modernly, responsibility for depriving children of their nurturing and loving families. Karma will not forever be cheated. Both Nazi-era Germany and the modern state, fear parallel societies that think, believe, and behave differently from the state-sanctioned norm. God, like karma, has a natural way of bringing “ones way upon ones head, even though it be harsh and bitter” (Jer 4:18; Prov 1:31; Ezek 22:31).
Karma is now exacting Germany’s due penance. Germany killed over 6 million Jews. It now faces an immigration crisis of over 6 million ‘refugees’ that demand a truly parallel society. These ‘refugees’ pose the greatest threat to German democracy, democratic values, and autonomous German society since WW2. Unlike post-war social movements that embrace differing ideas of democracy, the refugee movement offers a true parallel society that -like Nazism-rejects democracy all together.
Germany has refused to learn from history and appears all too willing to be cuddled by the lulling and embracing words of her politicians and social philosophers. She has willingly offered her society and her children on the state’s altar of socialistic multiculturalism. Now faced with an immigrant invasion that represents a truly threatening and domineering parallel society, Germans lack the conscience to distinguish between Muslim invaders and the Jewish minorities they once oppressed.
Facts exist that karma will not ignore. Muslim invaders and refugees are not the oppressed Jews that were hunted down and killed for the sake of being Jewish. Prior to WW2, Jews were not teaching their fellow Jews to harm Germans. Jews had no agenda to set up their own kingdom in Europe or any other place on earth other than reclaiming their ancient homeland within the land of Israel. Jews in Germany were not raping German or European women. Jews in Germany were not destroying private property or attacking businesses. Jews in Germany were not demanding social services or support for their communities. In fact, Jews in Germany were quite independent and financially successful. Hitler hated the success that this parallel society could enjoy. Success outside of the socialist state. None of these factors parallel the current Muslim invasion of Europe or Germany. Muslims embrace every Nazi ideal that the Jews did not. The Muslim holy book, the Koran, teaches its believers to harm those who do not accept the Muslim faith. Muslims have an agenda of setting up their own kingdom in Europe called a Caliphate. Muslims have long used rape as a form of demographic genocide and intimidation to convert populations to an Islamic identity. Muslims are all too happy to continue the Nazi tradition of attacking private property and destroying businesses. Muslims have an open agenda of hating Jews and destroying the State of Israel. And Muslim immigrants in Germany continue to demand the German people support their welfare – from housing to medical care, and social support. Is it any wonder that Mein Kampf continues to be a best-seller among Muslims-both in Europe and the Mid-East?
Germany’s leaders-Hitler’s young successors and their protégés- see this crisis the ultimate opportunity to realize Hitler’s dream of eliminating social class, race, and social dissent under the pretext of making amends for genocide against a former immigrant and racial class-without any harm to the ruling class. No longer will there be Syrian, immigrant, German citizen, or refugee. All will be one: One nation. One class. One people. One social status. One government. For Germany’s leaders, Islam is the best vehicle by which to achieve this post-Nazi era ideal. Islam does not allow criticism of its politics or religion. Its people demand the submission of native citizens. Jews are taxed heavily or put to death. There is no moral precedent to hold leaders accountable for human rights. And, Germany can again dominate by the demand to Islamic submission. But who will ultimately pay for Germany’s new popular, yet parallel society?
Karma can be cruel, exacting its dept and making atonement through society’s weakest and most vulnerable. One debt karma recently visited was the horrible New Year’s Day assault on hundreds of women throughout Germany by the state-mandated new, parallel society. Like bygone eras, it is the German citizens that will pay for the nation’s passively aggressive immigration policies. Taxes, not reparations will support the invaders. Citizens will continue to be sacrificed on the altar of tolerance and accommodation. German’s land will be claimed by immigrants seeking asylum to establish a parallel society that will clash and rival German democratic values. And what about women? Despite rhetoric on equal rights and equal protection under the law, this new parallel society affords no such recognition. In fact, like its Nazi predecessors, it despises equal rights of any group other than Islamic males. Germany faces its greatest moral crises since WW2 and the question remains whether its citizens will finally throw off its shackles of socialist government indoctrination to demand self-preserving accountability.
Karma, though cruel, can often be appeased through justice and good judgment. This appeasement must begin where the problem began- the state. Similar to 1936, Germans have the choice to support the status-quo or unite together as a people. Germans can do what their ancestors did not. They can speak up and take control by creating a new “parallel” German society. German parents can reclaim their children from the state by teaching values that will instill a conscience, which understands liberty and how that liberty must be defended and protected. Parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, and cousins can stand together for the sake of their own liberty, realizing that the socialist coddling only benefits the state. Citizens can protest better than any immigrant. Citizens can unite on social media and work together to advocate social policies that will benefit-not subjugate their citizens. And, Germans citizens can produce an environment where immigrants no longer desire to live. Most of all, German citizens cannot give up. Germany can avert reaping what they have sown by developing a conscience based on democratic rather than socialist values. Germany still owes Karma a huge debt, the question remains whether its citizens will offer this generation to atone for its past sins or finally put an end to Hitler’s socialist dream once and for all.